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The Bounce Back Program provides relief to individuals and families facing a chronic illness or adverse situation that may cause an impact on one’s mental health and finances. The program provides short-term assistance and education to promote both healthier, and financially strong lifestyles.

(This Project is Coming Soon)



Feeling Hopeless


Fighting Through Adversity



The founder of The Resile One Foundation can relate to the average American as her story prompted the creation of The Bounce Back Program.


When dealing with a chronic illness, the last thing an individual should be worried about is how to continue with financially responsibilities. Unforeseen circumstances, such as a chronic illness is twice as likely to cause people to have anxiety or depression. Individuals my develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Bounce Back Project will assist individuals with the appropriate resources to help deal with the challenges of maintaining mental health.


In addition, the program will assist individuals with preparing themselves financially in case another unforeseen medical crisis arises.

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